Value Vouchers™

Campaign Creation

When creating a campaign the following processes take place.

    An 08 number is allocated to the campaign.
    An IVR is done and the menu and routing setup for the 08 number allocated.
    Testing of the number, IVR and triggers takes place and is confirmed as working.
    A domain is reserved for the campaign.
    A support mailbox is created for the campaign, allocated to the domain.
    Web hosting is provisioned for the campaign website.
    A campaign logo is created for website use and any marketing material that is generated.
    A website is designed and built to facilitate the service provided to the consumer.
    he products relevant to the campaign are allocated to the website and activated.

The website allows a consumer to:

View general information
Register & Login
Edit profile
Reset password
View product/service information
Download member brochure
Contact service desk

System Provisioning

There are various systems and processes that are associated with a campaign that are provisioned as required.

    The vvadmin system is the core system used to provision the client at inception. Once a client is provisioned, the campaign is created within the system and linked to the various internal systems that are used.
    The campaign moves through the process and is created on adminvaLUE. This system allows a client to securely manage their database should they not be an integrated implementation. Adminvalue has linked to the SMS service and each campaign is provisioned on SMS service once created.
    The PreNotify SMS service is provisioned for the campaign and contains the welcome communications that are shared with members once they are activated on the systems. Messaging is threaded and all replies are monitored for any action required.
    The campaign is provisioned on the case management system, with all product information loaded. Specific variables and requirements are set up within the system at inception. Agent scripting is loaded, and product brochures uploaded.
    The client is provisioned on the internal billing system for monthly invoicing based on the contractual agreement and SLA.

System Processes

There are various systems and processes that are associated with a campaign.


    The adminvalue system encompasses the member administration functions required to create, edit, and remove a member. The service is made available to clients in 2 methods, whichever is most applicable, being integrated or non-integrated.

    For a non-integrated approach, a client would simply login to the adminvalue system and upload a full membership database. For an integrated approach, a memberAPI is made available for membership creation and management.

    When a member is created in the system, an automated SMS is sent which welcomes the consumer to the campaign and provides them with pertinent information (URL & contact info) related to the campaign. This SMS feature is logged, and our services agents are able to view when the initial SMS was sent and resend it if required.


    Our service agents have access to a member management system that allows them to verify the status of a member, based on the membership (id number). When a consumer calls in, the agent is able to verify the member and view the products and services to which the member has access.

    The agent is able to use this system to assist the member with:

    1. Product information;
    2. Membership brochures;
    3. Resetting of password;
    4. Cancellation

    Our service agents have access to a case management system which is used for the interactions with members in respect of the products and services. This system is where our cases are created, monitored and updated for each service interaction.


We have a customised, web-based, Case Management System (CMS) integrated with the Asterisk Telephony platform, and therefore all inbound and external calls are linked to a new or existing case.

Integration with various client databases enables a highly efficient case management process. The member database record (if found via the Caller Line Identification) is immediately displayed at the time when the call is being answered. In other words, if a valid member calls in (from the cell number recorded in the Corporate Client’s database), the case manager answering the call would be able to view the caller’s particulars and be able to greet the customer by his/her name before the caller announces him/herself.

The CRM allows for complete third-party integration allowing a Corporate to create a case that appears on the Call Centre wallboard immediately. Case management happens seamlessly without the Corporate client having to send an e-mail to action a new case. The CRM also provides customizable dashboards for case managers (agents), clients, and service providers, ensuring that important information and notifications are available.

The CRM was written using the Microsoft Stack (C#, MVC, Angular 2, and MS SQL) and is hosted on a redundant Microsoft platform. The platform allows for seamless interaction between agents, service providers, and clients from any location off-site. The system complies with the OWASP security best practices, but also allows for record-based security meaning that agents within any organization can only view the data that they are allowed. The system provides data security and peace of mind required in today’s digital environment.

Several system work blocks have been developed and depending on the campaign, one or many work blocks are incorporated in the workflow set-up. The work blocks are: Validation, Product selection, Incident Location, Destination, Service Provider Appointment, Communication (SMS & e-mail & templates), Documentation upload, Service Provider portal, Service Provider Quote function, Call Centre/Agent/Supervisor wallboard, Client wallboard.


The system was built to provide a means for our clients to communicate with their customers post-sale, pre debit. The customer receives an SMS-based communication with details of:

Seller of the product including their contact details
Product Name
Date and amount of debit
Opt-out options for customers

This information is available to the client's debit order bureau to ensure full transparency.


Engaging Customer prior to the debit order payment:
Reducing customer frustration and complaints is achieved easily through proactive communication of all the relevant details of the seller, product, value, and date. Putting the information in the hands of the customer as it should be.

Full Training:
Upon completion of a campaign being developed an Account Executive is assigned to provide full administration training with the client and their nominated employee.

Pre-Debit SMS:
Pre-debit SMSs are sent out to all potential new members prior to the debit order strike date. The SMS includes the intended debit date, an account queries number as well as a “Reply With” option to cancel the debit before it is run.

Customer Replies:
Those that have replied to the SMS with “options 1 - 4” will be flagged as ‘do not process’ which is available to the debit bureau and client. A full re-active SMS report is generated for the client to see members' replies within the PreNotify system.


Consumers are able to engage prior to the debit of the sale which will lower the rate of disputes and queries.

Customers are provided with the correct information and have recourse.


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