We have a customised, web-based, Case Management System (CMS) integrated with the
Asterisk Telephony platform, and therefore all inbound and external calls are linked to a new
or existing case.
Integration with various client databases enables a highly efficient case management
process. The member database record (if found via the Caller Line Identification) is
immediately displayed at the time when the call is being answered. In other words, if a valid
member calls in (from the cell number recorded in the Corporate Client’s database), the case
manager answering the call would be able to view the caller’s particulars and be able to greet
the customer by his/her name before the caller announces him/herself.
The CRM allows for complete third-party integration allowing a Corporate to create a case
that appears on the Call Centre wallboard immediately. Case management happens
seamlessly without the Corporate client having to send an e-mail to action a new case. The
CRM also provides customizable dashboards for case managers (agents), clients, and service
providers, ensuring that important information and notifications are available.
The CRM was written using the Microsoft Stack (C#, MVC, Angular 2, and MS SQL) and is
hosted on a redundant Microsoft platform. The platform allows for seamless interaction
between agents, service providers, and clients from any location off-site. The system complies
with the OWASP security best practices, but also allows for record-based security meaning
that agents within any organization can only view the data that they are allowed. The system
provides data security and peace of mind required in today’s digital environment.
Several system work blocks have been developed and depending on the campaign, one or
many work blocks are incorporated in the workflow set-up. The work blocks are: Validation,
Product selection, Incident Location, Destination, Service Provider Appointment,
Communication (SMS & e-mail & templates), Documentation upload, Service Provider portal,
Service Provider Quote function, Call Centre/Agent/Supervisor wallboard, Client wallboard.